I know I'm meant to be serving in Washington, D.C. right now, and I know that this is the best place that I can be right now. So, I'm trying hard to work hard and be the best missionary that I can be. It's super cool when people
we talk to on the street or some of our investigators tell us that the missionary work we are doing is really impacting the community and making it a better and safer place. People tell us that our area is already much safer than it was even a year ago. My companion has actually noticed that the area is much much safer than it was the last time he was here, a year ago. Even the police officers tell us we do more to lower the crime rate then they can. It's just another testimony to me that missionary work is real, the gospel is true, and that this is the best place I can be, and that missionary work is so incredibly important and can have effects that no one even expected it to have. The work that missionaries do is even more important then that of military work. The military saves people's mortal lives, but missionaries are sent to fight a spiritual war to try to save the eternal souls of Heavenly Father's children. It is one of the greatest things we can do in this life, and it's the best thing that I can do right now.
Love, Elder Hamblin